Wednesday, September 23, 2009

orchid type

Here we is connected To recognize some kinds of orchids known as by popular decorative crop which exploited his flower. Very beautiful orchid of variation only just limited touring. Ordinary orchid sold as crop pot and as crosscut flower. Indonesia have properties of very high orchid type, especially orchid of epifit living in forest tree, Sumatranese till Papua. Orchid Month Moon are charming flower of Indonesian nation. Orchid many isn't it by all farmerses of indonesia. story is away back narrated that orchid which was often utilized as symbol of love, affluence, beauty of during for centuries touring. Nation Greek use orchid as manliness symbol, Whereas nation of at Tiongkok epoch yore trust that orchid as crop releasing Fragrance of Emperor body of Tiongkok aroma. At mid of epoch, orchid have role which is shut-in in technics development of medication use flora. Its use make a fool of words extend become materials of ramu-ramuan even have time to be trusted as especial raw material of making of ingredient ingredient love at a period of/to selected touring. When orchid emerge in someone dream, this matter is trusted as symbol of representasi of circumstantial requirement of kelembuatan, romantisme, faithfulness in touring Finally, at start of century of ke-18, activity collect orchid start to become activity which many over the length and breadth of worlds, especially because beauty this crop. there are some flowers of Vanili ( Vanilla / vanilla of planifolia) also is tribesman isn't it. This plant is exploited by his fruit. Yielding fruit which is For, vanili have to " be married" by human being, because the insect of him unable to live outside him area.
Naturally orchid live epifit at other crop sticks and tree, but in the growth of orchid can be grown in filled by pot is selected media. There are some factors influencing growth of crop, like environmental factor, for example sunshine, temperature and dampness and also conservancy like : fertilization, sprinkler and also operation of OPT. In general orchid which isn't it need with minimum temperature 15° C. Orchid land;ground in general more heatresistant from at pot orchid. But high temperature can cause to dehydration able to pursue growth of crop. high Dampness function for crop for example to avoid too high evaporation. Nocturnal of dampness taken care of in order not to too high, because can result to decay root at young bydm soriyt. Is therefore laboured media to in pot don't be tooed wet. While very low dampness in the day time can overcome by gift of fog sprayer around place of pertanaman constructively sprayer. Pattern Berdasarakan growth of him, orchid crop differentiated to become two type that is, and simpodial of monopodial. Type orchid of simpodial is orchid which do not have especial bar, flower out of bar back part and is reflorescent the than crop child which grow. Ad for type orchid of Dendrobium sp. which can release new flower handle in his bar side.

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